CHILD-WAR The CHILD-WAR project studies the rights of children who are living in de facto states during or directly after armed...
Childhood & legal capacity Using funding provided by the Children’s Rights Research Fund, researchers from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and M...
West Bank: Palestinian children’s right to play The West Bank is divided into three areas: A (full Palestinian control), B (Israeli military control, Palestinian adm...
Children's Rights Thesis Corner In this section we publish theses written by Maastricht University students on children's rights. Students write a bl...
Israeli children in the West Bank: right to mental health From January 2022 to January 2024 our team is studying the rights of Israeli children who live in the West Bank (chil...
Right to remain silent From January 2022 to January 2026, Peggy ter Vrugt is studying the right to silence of young suspects in Dutch law an...
Children's rights in Somaliland In May 1991, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia. No country recognises Somaliland as an independent countr...
Personal Reflections on Research Doing research is not always an easy task. As researchers, we often face dilemmas. The choices we make influence the ...
Projects awarded Children's Rights Research funding In this category, you will find articles about projects that have been rewarded with funding provided by Maastricht U...
How to do research on children's rights? In this category, you will find articles that come in handy when doing research on children's rights.
Children's Rights in unrecognized states (theory) From 2019 – 2024 our research team is studying the development rights of children who are living in unrecognized stat...
Sahrawi controlled areas: freedom from violence In 1976, a large part of the indigenous Sahrawi nomadic population fled the Western Sahara because of ongoing violent...
Moroccan controlled Western Sahara: freedom of expression Since 1976, a large part of the Western Sahara has been under Moroccan control, who claim it as part of their nationa...
Right to nationality in the TRNC Between 2016-2018 Marieke Hopman together with a group of students studied the child’s right to nationality in the Tu...
Right to education in the Central African Republic Between 2015-2017 researcher Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the child’s right to education in the Central Africa...
Right to education in the Netherlands In 2016 researcher Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the child’s right to education in the Netherlands, with a spec...
PhD research: looking at law through children’s eyes In 2015, after a successful crowdfinding campaign Marieke Hopman started her PhD research on children’s rights, based...
Study along on children's rights In this category you find some study material on the subject of children’s rights. The material includes study texts,...
Campaign Right to education From April to July 2015, Marieke Hopman together with the Alumni office of Tilburg University organized a crowdfundin...
Research child soldiers the Netherlands From July 2013 to July 2014, Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the meaning of the concept of “childhood” in relatio...
Research child soldiers Rwanda From July 2013 to July 2014, Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the meaning of the concept of “childhood” in relatio...
Research child soldiers Rwanda From July 2013 to July 2014, Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the meaning of the concept of “childhood” in relatio...
Research child soldiers the Netherlands From July 2013 to July 2014, Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the meaning of the concept of “childhood” in relatio...
Campaign Right to education From April to July 2015, Marieke Hopman together with the Alumni office of Tilburg University organized a crowdfundin...
Study along on children's rights In this category you find some study material on the subject of children’s rights. The material includes study texts,...
PhD research: looking at law through children’s eyes In 2015, after a successful crowdfinding campaign Marieke Hopman started her PhD research on children’s rights, based...
Right to education in the Netherlands In 2016 researcher Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the child’s right to education in the Netherlands, with a spec...
Right to education in the Central African Republic Between 2015-2017 researcher Marieke Hopman conducted a study on the child’s right to education in the Central Africa...
Right to nationality in the TRNC Between 2016-2018 Marieke Hopman together with a group of students studied the child’s right to nationality in the Tu...
Moroccan controlled Western Sahara: freedom of expression Since 1976, a large part of the Western Sahara has been under Moroccan control, who claim it as part of their nationa...
Sahrawi controlled areas: freedom from violence In 1976, a large part of the indigenous Sahrawi nomadic population fled the Western Sahara because of ongoing violent...
Children's Rights in unrecognized states (theory) From 2019 – 2024 our research team is studying the development rights of children who are living in unrecognized stat...
How to do research on children's rights? In this category, you will find articles that come in handy when doing research on children's rights.
Projects awarded Children's Rights Research funding In this category, you will find articles about projects that have been rewarded with funding provided by Maastricht U...
Personal Reflections on Research Doing research is not always an easy task. As researchers, we often face dilemmas. The choices we make influence the ...
Children's rights in Somaliland In May 1991, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia. No country recognises Somaliland as an independent countr...
Right to remain silent From January 2022 to January 2026, Peggy ter Vrugt is studying the right to silence of young suspects in Dutch law an...
Israeli children in the West Bank: right to mental health From January 2022 to January 2024 our team is studying the rights of Israeli children who live in the West Bank (chil...
Children's Rights Thesis Corner In this section we publish theses written by Maastricht University students on children's rights. Students write a bl...
West Bank: Palestinian children’s right to play The West Bank is divided into three areas: A (full Palestinian control), B (Israeli military control, Palestinian adm...
Childhood & legal capacity Using funding provided by the Children’s Rights Research Fund, researchers from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and M...
CHILD-WAR The CHILD-WAR project studies the rights of children who are living in de facto states during or directly after armed...
CHILD-WAR Introduction to CHILD-War Project What happens to the children when a country unrecognized by the world is torn apart by war? This is the unique focus of the CHILD-WAR project, a study on the... Read more
Children's Rights Thesis Corner Family Reunification in Germany: Meeting Children’s Rights Standards or Falling Short? Imagine the experience of fleeing your home country in search of peace and safety at the age of 1...
Childhood & legal capacity Participatory Research Methods: A Win-Win Approach to Understand Children’s Rights In 2023 and 2024 we undertook fieldwork to understand, from adolescents, how they rel...
Projects awarded Children's Rights Research funding The Importance of the Voice of Children: The Lives of Underprivileged Pre-Schoolers in Mauritius When discussing child well-being, we often rely on expert opinions and theoretical frameworks. Ho...
CHILD-WAR Introduction to CHILD-War Project What happens to the children when a country unrecognized by the world is torn apart by war? This ...
Children's Rights Thesis Corner Family Reunification in Germany: Meeting Children’s Rights Standards or Falling Short? Imagine the experience of fleeing your home country in search of peace and safety at the age of 1...
Childhood & legal capacity Participatory Research Methods: A Win-Win Approach to Understand Children’s Rights In 2023 and 2024 we undertook fieldwork to understand, from adolescents, how they rel...
Projects awarded Children's Rights Research funding The Importance of the Voice of Children: The Lives of Underprivileged Pre-Schoolers in Mauritius When discussing child well-being, we often rely on expert opinions and theoretical frameworks. Ho...
Blog 2024 Children’s Rights Research Day Since its recent establishment in September 2023, the Children’s Rights Research group has streng...
Blog Seminar: Children's Right to be Heard Versión en Español abajo Motivation This seminar offers a space to reflect amongst scholars a...
Children's rights in Somaliland Do Our Children Have Rights? Children’s Rights in the Unrecognised State of Somaliland On the 13th of May 2024 at Maastricht University, I defended my PhD dissertation titled Do Our ...