In 2023 and 2024 we undertook fieldwork to understand, from adolescents, how they relate to and perceive their access to justice. We worked with adolescents who were displaced from their families due to being subject to abuse and/or neglect and who were living in care homes. This blog post shares a video that shows images of the fieldwork experience with adolescents. Later, it shares the insights of the three researchers who participated in the data collection process.
It was my first fieldwork experience, assisting two researchers in a project involving several participants. From the outset, the research theme was relevant to me, as it focused on a vulnerable population due to their age and addressed sensitive situations in the lives of teenagers who had an inevitable proximity to administrative and justice institutions. Therefore, the design of the research was suitable for working with them. Before the first meeting with adolescents, I was concerned about the possibility of re-victimizing them and the possibility of them being reluctant to participate in the research activities.
However, when I arrived at the care homes, I met adolescents who were eager to participate. Most of them showed interest in our activities and our professions; they wanted to engage in dialogue and were curious about our proposals. Respecting the ethical guidelines of the research, we made it clear that participation was voluntary and that they could opt out of the activities at any time. We also reminded them that we were open to any doubts or questions they might have. Additionally, we assured them that there would be no consequences if they decided not to participate and that that would not affect our mood or attitude towards them. I think that attending to the ethical standards of consent is of the essence, especially when working with vulnerable groups.
Carla Virginia Gutierrez, Research Assistant
The activities involved in the empirical work have been filled with emotions from the beginning of the project. In this way, the approach to a group of adolescents “temporarily” living in care homes in the City and Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina was perceived with sensitivity and empathy. The sensitivity and empathy were evident from the team of researchers and from those who received us at the care homes: directors and adolescents who consented to our interviews, games, observations, dramatizations, and art and literature workshops. They trusted us as researchers. This is reflected in the video shown in this blog post (which was reviewed and received consent to be shared by adolescents) and a panel session during the III Congreso Federal, Internacional e Interdisciplinario. Derechos humanos para la niñez y la adolescencia, where some of the adolescents participated in the panel and shared their experiences with the research. I find it very relevant that some of the main protagonists participated together with us, the researchers because I believe that the academic activities, the spaces we have created and will continue to create to scientifically address issues related to access to justice for children and adolescents, can contribute to improving the quality of life for all of those involved in the process.
Laura Lora, PhD

The realities that some children experience cannot be tackled with a law. These realities are immersed in complexity and unfairness. They are realities that children did not choose to experience. Realities choose them. Some time ago, in a meeting with a family judge whom I deeply admire, she said “I feel that I have done my job when I can get a smile out of those children.” The smile became a symbol of hope. Participatory research can also trigger that light of hope. This is what we have experienced in our research, when we invited children to participate using games and art, in activities where they can express themselves. During fieldwork, children expressed with their voices, with their body language, and with their attitudes. During these instances of expressing themselves, they also process who they are, what they are going through, and where they are standing about the experience they are living, and in the meantime, they also smile and enjoy themselves.
Julieta Marotta, PhD

Note: The images shown are pictures of the work done by the adolescents during our fieldwork activities. Adolescents consent to the dissemination of the art work for research purposes.