Right to education in the Central African Republic Recensie theatervoorstelling MY CAR Zoals jullie weten zijn we momenteel met een voorstelling "MY CAR", over mijn veldonderzoek in de...
Right to education in the Central African Republic CAR: did it make a difference? After coming home from what has most likely been my last visit to the Central African Republic, a...
Right to education in the Central African Republic CAR: sharing the research results #4 Monday 13 November Started the day going to Grand Café. Wanted to try get in touch with the writ...
Right to education in the Central African Republic CAR: Sharing the research results #3 Friday 10 November Started my day again with teaching/discussing the research with a group of te...
Right to education in the Central African Republic CAR: Sharing the research results #2 Tuesday 7 November When I arrived in the Ledger (fancy) hotel in the morning to use the internet...
Right to education in the Central African Republic Back in CAR to share the results on child’s right to education Dear all, Here’s a quick overview of what has happened the first days of my mission to share the...
Right to education in the Central African Republic Publication report child’s right to education in CAR Bonjour à tous (English below)! Svp trouvez le report de la recherche sur le droit de l’enfant à...