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Tuğçe Hitit

PhD Student and Activist at Hacetteppe University, Ankara, Türkiye

Description: This study aims to develop and propose a rights based school model that combines children’s rights and nature’s rights. Grounded in ecopedagogy paradigm and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Model, the research addresses five sub-questions across the Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem levels. The study employs a mixed-methods exploratory sequential design. During the qualitative phase, data will be gathered using a combination of structured and semi structured individual interviews and focus group interviews, literature reviews, and document analysis. The process will engage a diverse range of stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, school workers and administrators, policymakers, and representatives from non-governmental organizations.

Task: Literature review on how to engage children’s rights, interconnectedness paradigm and nature’s rights into primary school’s ethos and curriculum. Contribution to building connections with Freire Institute and Latin American and other scholars who founded and/or experts of ecopedagogy paradigm. 

Requirements: Passion for social justice, advanced research skills, intercultural communication skills and understanding.